Sunday, September 3, 2006


"Observation without evaluation is the highest form of intelligence."

something there got me thinking. there is nature in me which questions the nature around me. why? i find myself asking all to often. the anatomy of this inquiry probably is as deep as evolution of the human mind, if such a thing were to be agreed to exist, and sometimes is the principle on which all forms of thought is based. inquiry is the most consistent offering of the human race. irrespective of the environment you are in, it is a question you ask sooner or later.

it does sometimes help me to wonder where all this came from. and the beauty is that the mere act of wondering leads to inquiry. all seeds of thought can be traced to an act of inquisition. but since only a diamond cuts a diamond, it is inevitable for me to ask a few inquisitons.

it is very frequently that anyone asks the question where did all this come from and very similarly i do too. the unique qualities of the sorrounding, the self, the very act of observation are amazing.

uninitiated, it is helpful to start on a hypothesis to examine the entire premise. let us assume that there is one big truth. this truth that everyone seems to be running after shall be the explanation for everything. a grand unified theory of the existent and the non-existent, of all that be. then this truth should also offer the reason to why i am here writing this, whats making this computer the way it is, why if anyone is actually reading this.

now when i assume the possibility of such a truth, it leads me to wonder what follows knowing that truth. it sure can be agreed that such knowledge would obviate existential values like place, time or event. the future has no meaning nor does the past. there is no present. the material and immaterial are all derivatives of this truth. it would constitute everything.

now if such a truth were to exist. then my existence, the computer, some guy having sex in brazil and the thoughts in my head are all the same thing. this means we are all the same.

is there a possibility of knowing such a truth?

let us consider this example. a child asks his father why a balloon rises into the sky? the father replies that the balloon is lighter than air. why is the balloon lighter than air? it contains, say helium, which is a lighter gas and that which is lighter rises above the heavier. to a child this is incomprehensible unless he receives some more explanation regarding the nature of matter, density so on and so forth. all of a sudden with a few hours of some formal lecturing, the incomprehensible explanation is very much understood.

now to understand from the above example, only truth is the observation, the answers are relative. they are relative to the fathers knowledge, the knowledge of science as we know it. every man has observed and tried to reason, where the observation is an independent act while the reason is built on deductions. 5-2 = 3. a deduction can be made from only something that is known. how can 2 be removed if you do not where to remove it from. similarly, how can any deduction be true if the very truth is unknown. in making so called informed deductions, we base ourselves already on what we know and then reason out the most plausible theory to explain it. we did not know at the outset, we do not know when we theorize and finally we lead ourselves into an answer based on ignorance to be the explanantion. in science we create empirical situations to study and then support our explanations. in this whole process of understanding firstly what has remained true is the observation. secondly, all thought, understanding and deduction was based on preexistent knowledge.

you and i as we know it, have always been fed into our minds. in lighter matters it is often agreed that a fresh perspective is the key to solving a problem. but where is the problem and who has a fresh perspective? each one of us from the moment of ourbirth have been illusioned, conditioned, fed, groomed, taught all that is not ours. for example, a baby boy on an isolated island grows to play with a stone and learns that when he drops it it falls to the ground. observation. now what is to be seen would be whether the answer he finds to his problem is the theory of gravity.

how do you expect to find this truth unknown to you, anchoring yourself on a world of knowledge and experience of reality all of which are meaningless with your taught and conditioned perceptions. all these entrapments are the creation, reason and result of everyone around you, before you.

we all, each one of us, are trapped. we are trapped in a world where each discovery into ourselves is preconditioned by external influence. this conditioning will forever keep you in the dark about the underlying truth.

what if all was rejected in this search for true perception. you will have to unlearn what you know, what you think, what you are. from here to ignorance is a difficult jouney. it could be the key and yet it could be another beginning of falsehoods based on prior knowledge, experience.

what if one were to stop asking thinking reasoning?

i know none of this is my own. it is dangerously revealing. these thoughts are not my own nor are these words, nothing around me is my own. if there were such a truth we would all be the same. words, thoughts, lives, you and me. before will be after. there is nothing but the truth.

then if everything is the truth then there is no truth. the lie will be truth, the truth the lie. the assumption itself becomes the truth. our ignorance, deductions, our reasons will be truth. there will be no truth left to discover.

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